that 8 moms would share their young daughters with me as we begin our first year of Little Flowers Girls' Club. We just had our first meeting on Tuesday, and the smiles and excitement were awesome. The 12 girls were so happy to be together! Maria is hiding behind her binder, and one of our Little Flowers didn't make it into the photo, this time. Aren't they precious?
We learned about the virtue of faith, St. Catherine of Siena, and the sunflower. We talked about how the head of a sunflower always follows the path of the sun during the day, just as we should always follow the Son. The girls worked hard on their "Faith" notebook page and coloring the cover picture for their binder, a beautiful picture of St. Therese of Lisieux as a child. Thank you, Charlotte! The girls were also quite impressed to hear that St. Catherine was the youngest of 25 children. I spoke with one of the moms this morning, and she told me she overheard her daughter telling her big sister that they learned about "St. Catherine of Louisiana." I guess we'll need to review that a bit!
Several of the girls are working very hard on their memory verses, and completing other 'faith' activities so they can earn their first badge. I am just as excited as they are, and can't wait for October's meeting.
Reaching and Healing Young Women’s Hearts
This week we get to sit down with Lisa Brenninkmyer, founder of Walking
With Purpose, about her new course and book, Heart of Vines. Lisa shares
her journe...
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